Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

I wish you a joyful and wonderful Christmas :)
and Happy new year...
may 2012 be a better year.....for all of us....

fa alalalalallaa...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cah Jamur / Stir-Fry Cloud fungus

I'm not sure what this dish called because I don't even know what this fungus called in English  ... so then I Google...
This is my mother signature dish...

So here what you need:

cloud fungus + shiitake mushroom
spring onion
brown onion
chicken stock
corn flour

Boil your dried fungus until they become twice they size....and soft.
rinse and remove the end of the fungus ( hard part ) you just want the "ear" which is the jelly part
clean the fungus with cold water and set a side.

In a hot pan.... fry garlic, chilli and brown onion until brown, and then add your chicken ,carrot, and spring onion....stir fry until your chicken cook, add your fungus together and mix well. add plenty of water....then  seasoning ....put on salt, sugar, pepper, chicken stock and Tamarin..mix them well
if you like just a tiny bit of light soy sauce.
mix everything until your carrot cook, mix corn flour with cold water, mix together with the other and wait until the sauce become tick. and serve with steam rice.


Monday, December 12, 2011

Mie Ayam Jamur + Pangsit

 Mie ayam jamur or Noodle with chicken and veggie , mushroom and fried wonton...
this is how i cooked my MIE ayam... below is my guide recipe but i modify on the filling ...I add some beansprout and fried garlic oil...+ fried Wonton Skin...

300 gram filet ayam potong kecil
1 kaleng jamur kancing .
4 siung bawang putih cincang
3 sdm kecap manis
1 sdm saus tiram
garam merica secukupnya.

Cara membuat :
Tumis bawang putih hingga harum, masukan ayam aduk rata hingga berubah warna tambahkan jamur kancing, kecap manis, saus tiram, garam dan merica. beri sedikit air aduk masak hingga matang sisihkan.

Kuah Bakso:
Buat kaldu dari daging sapi atau ayam (lebih enak daging yang ada tulangnya)..
rebus daging sapi atau ayam dengan 1,2 liter air, setelah daging empuk tambahan tumisan bawang putih, daun bawang garam dan merica plus sedikit gula. masukan bakso....

till next postt...
good niteee

Nasi Tim Ayam

Nasi Tim

nasi tim ayam jamur
original recipi from here


Nasi tim ayam:
  • 400 gram beras
  • 1 ekor ayam, potong jadi 2
  • 150 gram jamur merang, bersihkan, belah jadi 2
  • 1 1/2 liter air
  • 6 siung bawang putih, cincang
  • 3 sendok makan kecap asin
  • 1 sendok teh minyak wijen
  • 1 sendok teh merica bubuk
  • 1 sendok teh garam
  • 100 cc kaldu ayam
Kuah ayam:
  • 500 cc kaldu ayam
  • 150 gram sawi pok choy
  • 1/2 sendok teh merica bubuk
  • 1 sendok teh garam
  • 1/4 sendok teh bumbu penyedap

Cara membuat

Nasi tim ayam: didihkan air, masukkan ayam, rebus hingga ayam lunak, lalu angkat ayamnya, tiriskan, ambil dagingnya dan potong-potong berbentuk dadu. Gunakan kaldu ayam untuk memasak nasi hainan dan kuah ayam.

Tumis 1/2 resep bawang putih sampai harum, masukkan potongan daging ayam, jamur merang, 1/2 resep merica bubuk, kecap asin, dan minyak wijen, aduk rata.

Tambahkan kaldu ayam, aduk rata, masak hingga agak kental, lalu angkat, sisihkan.

Tumis 1/2 resep bawang putih, lalu masukkan beras yang telah dicuci bersih, 1/2 resep merica bubuk, dan garam, aduk rata, angkat, lalu bagi menjadi 6 bagian.

Bagi tumisan daging ayam menjadi 6 bagian, lalu masing-masing diletakkan pada dasar mangkuk, tambahkan di atasnya 1 bagian adonan beras.

Tuang 100 cc kaldu ayam pada setiap mangkuk, lalu kukus hingga matang.

Kuah ayam: didihkan kaldu ayam, masukkan merica bubuk, garam, dan bumbu penyedap, aduk rata, lalu masukkan sawi pok coy, segera angkat setelah mendidih.

Sambal cuka: cabai merah dipotong kasar, rebus sebentar, angkat, tiriskan.

Haluskan bawang putih dan cabai merah, lalu tambahkan garam, cuka, gula, dan air, aduk rata.

enjoyy ~

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My kind of Fettucini

tonight dinnerrrr issssss.....

FETTUCINI with LOTSSSS which mean : with cheery tomato, onion, pepperoni, chix, mushroom anddd parmesan cheeseeeeee  nom nom nom..


what you need to create these :

any filling you want : bacon , mushroom, spinach, cherry tomato, chicken, meatball , basically anything. but what i used here are : pepperoni, mushroom, cherry tomato, and chicken.

to make your tomato sauce: tomato sauce, fresh chunk tomato, chillies, cook with garlic, ginger salt pepper sugar, continually add water until its tick.

start your pan with olive oil, then chop garlic and brown onion, add chicken, peperoni or bacon, cook till they nicely cook, add your tomato paste, then pasta, mix well, add salt pepper and theme and fresh parsley.

thennnn you done :)

till thenn....have a great night

Monday, October 3, 2011

Banana Fritter / Pisang Goreng

Bananaaaaa im going bananaaa..
actually i have nothing to say after the other 2 post hahah

served with gratted margarine, cheese and condense milk while its hot

my new toyyyyy
mouse cheesee gratter hihihihih

see yaa

Brownie Pancake/ Martabak Brownie

I was browsing what to cook and I came across this recipe, Martabak Brownies, I never had them before.
its basically Martbak with Brownies taste & texture, Martabak is a very famous street food in Indonesia
its a fatty and rich of butter version of pancake...its so yummy , everyone need to try them once in a life time, hahaha go get them if you had a chance to go anywhere in Indonesia
the vendor at the street use a special pan to make the martabak, they made from charcoal?
I dont know but its really made a different
since I dont have the pan, I used my own Teflon , works for me...but this cake somehow
doesnt have those martabak feel... maybe because of the choc ?
might need to try again next time...but turns out really well and everyone lovvee ittt

original recipe is from here

Martabak Brownies
Ingredients :
- 500 gr all purpose flour or med protein flour
- 2 tbsp chocolate powder
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp instant yeast
- 700 ml fresh milk
- 150 gr margarin
- 75 gr dark cooking chocolate
- 5 eggs
- 75 gr granulated sugar
- 100 gr granulated sugar
- 100 ml sweet condensed milk
- 100 gr dark cooking chocolate, finely chopped
- 200 gr cheddar cheese, grated
- 200 gr butter

How to :

1. Sift flour, chocolate powder and baking powder to make sure there are no lumps. Set aside.
2. Mixed the milk and instant yeast, stir evenly. Set aside.
3. Melt the butter and the chocolate and mix until smooth.
4. Beat the eggs and sugar until you have a silky consistency. Add alternately another half portion of sifted flour with milk. Beat until combine.
5. Add the melted chocolate, stir evenly Rest the batter for 30 minutes in room temperature.
6. Heat the pan over medium heat. Pour in the batter till it reaches about half the height of the pan.
7. Cook over small heat, when bubbles starts to form sprinkle sugar. (bubbles indicate that the martabak consists pores). Cover the pan, let it cook until set. Then take it out of the pan.
8. Spread martabak with butter, sprinkle with chopped dark cooking chocolate and grated cheese. Pour condensed milk over the martabak.
9. Cut into half and put one half on top the other half. Spread with butter for the last time. Cut as desire.

BLT Salad


humm....look at those bacoonn
itss callingg uuuuuuuu :p

Monday, September 12, 2011


Kolak pisang is an Indonesian dessert made from a base of palm sugar and coconut milk.  Bananas (or plantains) can be added to create kolak pisang (pisang = banana in Indonesian).  This recipe uses bananas, sweet potato (ubi jalar) and palm seeds (toddy palm fruit) or casava.  Various fillers can be used.  Sometimes mung beans are used as well as jackfruit.

It might lil late for me to post this dish, the "Ramadan" is over, this dessert is great for the fasting season to start a meal or as a dessert, but its better than never :p , hope you still have your "new year" spirit for those who celebrate "Hari Raya Idul Fitri".

enjoy your Kolakk... anytime you feel to have them hahaha
summer is coming so prob not the best time for me.

enough for the post today:)

Steam Sponge Cake

Indonesian Steam Sponge Cake or "Bolu Kukus" , you will find these cake on most of traditional markets, its my childhood memories, my mother always cook for us, everyday, my father is her no 1 fans hahaha even tho we had our maid my mother will always cook for us in the morning. she used to took me to the markets,  and my dads he will go and bought us all the cakes and all the food from the streets He LOVESSSSSSS the idea buying food....just for us , specially me , the youngest one, when my brothers and sister went to Singapore then here Perth to study, I am the only child left.and i was spoil with all these food everyday. I used to told my mum, im so bored with her food and i rather buy something else in school, and now i miss her food so much.... she is the best cook ever :)

this Bolu kukus is great snack , easy and fast.

so here what you need

450 gr gula pasir
500 gr tepung terigu
4 butir telur
300 ml air/susu
1 sdm emulsifier
1 sdt essence *optional*
pewarna makanan sesuai selera

1.Siapkan dandang, biarkan sampai mendidih
2.Kocok semua bahan jadi satu kira-kira 10 menit atau lebih kalau adonan masih belum kental mengembang
3.Siapkan cetakan bolu kukus, alasi dengan paper cup
4. Ambil adonan secukupnya beri pewarna
5. Tuang adonan dalam cetakan, tuangi atasnya dengan adonan berwarna, kukus 15 menit *jangan lupa tutup dandang dialasi serbet.

 enjoyyy ~

Beef & Mushroom PIE


What you need :

Frozen Puff pastry skin
mince beef
mozarela cheese
spring onion
brown onion
sweet soy sauce
salt, sugar & pepper

mix your mince beef and your mushroom together with spring onion, sweet soy sauce, salt & pepper. mix well. Cut your frozen puff pastry info 4 square in 1 sheet, make a frame of the 2 and then cut them into a horizontal cuts * u know what i meant see pic below* then put your beef under your full pastry sheet. then cover with the frame and put cheese on top , bake in oven until brown in 150.

enjoy peopsss..
have a great week..:)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Deep Fried Noodle Prawns

Finally a chance to get more sleep on the weekend
Comes out pretty fancy prawns :)


prawns ( I used cocktail prawn )
Misua noodle - any noodle like jap soba will do i think
bread crumps
black pepper
salt, sugar

mix flour , salt, pepper and sugar
1st after you done your noodle roll to your prawns, deep your prawns to egg that been beaten, then bread crumps then the flour.

deep fried prawns till golden brown
serve with sweet chilly and Japanese mayo :)

before deep dried - fresh prawn rolled in noodle

Enjoy !

Monday, July 18, 2011

Bake Potato & Carbonara


BAKE POTATO : Microwave your potato for 20 min, then mix with olive oil, salt and parsley
bake in oven for 10 min.
Pan fried bacon till crispy , once your potato done serve with sour cream , bacon and cheese on top

not a pretty pasta but taste great ,I'll do a proper photo next time ...my brother been waiting to ate this,I couldn't keep this long

and HOLIDAY in 2 daysssss WOOHOO...
I will off to J town for a week yayyayayayayayya...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Cheese Cake

My 1st ever cheese cake .., and surprise surprise...its not the BIG Fail hahah,

So here what you need :

Original recipe from here modified by me.


  • 15 graham crackers, crushed
  • 2 tablespoons butter, melted
  • 3 teaspoons grated lemon
  • 4 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese
  • 1 1/2 cups white sugar
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Get Warm with Mushroom

Creamy Mushroom Soup

I couldn't even get a great picture :( 
Mushroom soup:

Tick cream
salt and pepper
corn flour

Depends on how many serve you cooking ...all these and be count with your own feeling and preferable taste :D

cook onion and garlic in a pan with butter till brown, add mushrooms, stir 2-4 min, add your cream and mix well.. add salt,sugar and pepper, once you happy with the taste, low your heat and add corn flour to make it tick, wait till all cook -  serve with bread.

Yummy !! Turkish bread

Vinegar Tomato Salsa


red tomato, choped
red onion
and pepper

mix well everything in a bowl  add parsley on top. DONE :)

Enjoy !!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sate Festive

Annual Gathering with friends :)
we been busy with our own life...doing our own thing...and today finally everyone spare their time
to get together and just enjoy food and catching up

Complete set : Nasi uduk, tahu isi, sate ayam sate daging, acar , here what you need
to make Sate ayam/ chicken satay.

Sate Ayam / Chicken Satay

Marinade Sauce:

4 cloves of garlic, pasted
1 tsp of salt
1/2 tsp of nutmeg
3 tbsps of Indonesian peanut sauce ( sate sauce )

mix everything and leave for a night

Peanut Sauce:

2 cloves of shallots
3 pieces of chillis
3 pieces of candlenuts
150 gr of fried peanuts
100 ml of coconut milk
100 ml of water
25 ml of oil
3 tbsps of Indonesian sweet soy sauce
Salt and pepper to taste

Fried shallots, chillis,chandlenuts, and penut until golden brown and chruncy
Blend everything until it soft enough and become a paste, cook your peanut paste with coconut milk and water, seasons with salt and sweet soy sauce.

I Promise I will write the rest of the meal recipe

Ikan Bakar Saos Woku / Grilled Fish with Woku Sauce

Chicken & Beef
I love food ...nom nom nom....

POKKA BOY begging DADDY for SATE too... 

Happy Sunday...all....!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Udang Bakar Saus Kecap / Grilled Prawns with Sweet Soy Sauce

Been thinking about Bali food lately
craving of Djimbaran beach ...


500 gr FRESH prawns
Garlic ( paste )
1 tbs Ginger (paste)
Pinch of salt, pepper

Your marinate sauce:

Sweet Soy Sauce
Light soy sauce
Chilli Sauce
Pinch of salt, pepper and nutmeg
fried shallot
2 tbs margarine (melted)

In a bowl, combine the  ginger, garlic, salt and pepper together.
Devein the prawns using a pair of small sharp shears. Starting from the head end, snip along the top (the prawn’s back) just deep enough to pull out the black vein. Pat the prawns very dry. Marinate them in the garlic ginger lime mixture  for 15 minutes.

Meanwhile,mix all your marinate sauce : sweet soy sauce, light soy sauce, chilly sauce, salt, pepper, nutmeg, lime, fried shallot and melted margarine.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Say it with Baileysbeeramisu



This recipe are originally from Master Cheff 2009 ,one of the contestant Chris, he did this as part of the challenge, I was browsing on the web, looking for dessert and I was thinking to do Tiramisu , so when I found this beeramisu I then googled more about the original Tiramisu recipe , and a lil twist with my own preferable liquor Baileys. I did my 1st Tiramisu :D

I love this mini baileys botttle, they so cuteeeee...


Base on this great Tiramisu recipe from a one of Master Chef contestant for 2011, Billy, I didn't create my own savoiardi (sponge) like Billy did, but you can check this website if you keen to make your own

Beeramisu idea is suggested to use a base chocolate spout, as I had the same problem with Billy I couldn't found base chocolate spout,so I followed his step, I used Guinness Stout mixed in with strong espresso then I add BAILEYS, because I prefer more creamer texture on tiramisu, the creamier the BETTER :p

THIS might not be the best Tiramisu in Perth, but love at 1st bite sure is for this great dessert....
its so yammmooo......I ate this on Saturday morning for my breakfast as I did the photo ha ha....

so here what you need :


12 Savoiardi Biscuits
1 cup strong espresso coffee
1/4 cup of Baileys
2 eggs (separated)
3 tbsp caster sugar
250gram mascarpone cheese
1 cup stout (250ml) stout, preferably coffee or chocolate stout
250ml thickened cream, whipped
Dark and Milk Chocolate shavings for garnish
and Strawberry 


1. Combine stout, coffee and Baileys in a bowl.

2. Add egg yolk and sugar in a bowl and whisk until thick and pale. 
Add mascarpone and beat until just combined. Add 3 tablespoon of Baileys and mix well.

3. Fold in the whipped cream into the mixture. Beat egg white until soft peak, 
gently fold it into the cream, trying not to lose the volume.

4. Dunk the biscuits, one at a time, into the liquid. Layer the biscuit into serving glasses.

5. Spoon Mascarpone mixture over the top until the biscuit is fully covered. 

6. Repeat step 4 - 5 until the serving glasses are filled to the top.

7. Top with chocolate shavings and strawberry and wrap each glasses with cling wrap 
and refrigerate for at least 4 hours, or until ready to serve.

I made 2 batch tiramisu,one  is with Bailyes and Spout and another one is just a dark chocolate ,  one of my good friend is having their 1st baby and we are so excited about it because their are the 1st couple having a complete family, such a bless, she is one of the glowing pregnant woman I've ever seen, she gain only 3 kg !!! on her 4 month !!! how amazing hahahaa...

so this version is especially for the mommy to be....


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Nasi Goreng Jawa


Add " Acar" to your fried rice
 So here what you need :


4 glove garlic ( thinly chop )
2 chilli
brown onion ( as you like )
candle nut ( between 2-3)
3 shallot ( thinly chop )
cooking oil
mix frozen vegetable

I use chicken , meat ball, egg, and mix frozen veg. you can use anything else ...seafood meat or even just a vegetables

cook everything on big hot pan, your shallot, garlic,brown onion , candle nut untill brown , add your chicken and veg and stir untill your meat done, now add your egg and scramble and mix them well. now add your rice and mix again, add salt, pepper, sweet soy sauce, light soy sauce, and chicken stock, its so easy and fast

enjoy your fried rice :)

oh wonderfull egg
 I love egg on my fried rice, they just complete each other,  sunny side up egg is the best, perfectly cook.. :)
egggg eggg eggg
Enjoy !!