Sunday, June 26, 2011

Nasi Goreng Jawa


Add " Acar" to your fried rice
 So here what you need :


4 glove garlic ( thinly chop )
2 chilli
brown onion ( as you like )
candle nut ( between 2-3)
3 shallot ( thinly chop )
cooking oil
mix frozen vegetable

I use chicken , meat ball, egg, and mix frozen veg. you can use anything else ...seafood meat or even just a vegetables

cook everything on big hot pan, your shallot, garlic,brown onion , candle nut untill brown , add your chicken and veg and stir untill your meat done, now add your egg and scramble and mix them well. now add your rice and mix again, add salt, pepper, sweet soy sauce, light soy sauce, and chicken stock, its so easy and fast

enjoy your fried rice :)

oh wonderfull egg
 I love egg on my fried rice, they just complete each other,  sunny side up egg is the best, perfectly cook.. :)
egggg eggg eggg
Enjoy !!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Martabak Telur

Martabak Telur

its hard to get a great picture when your tummy start to take over your mind

I am a fan of spring onion - lots of 'em

This recipe is from my favorite blog here,

Ingredients :
10 roti paratha
ground beef & vegetables filling

ground beef and vegetables filling :
5 tbs oil
4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
1/2 kg minced or ground beef
2 medium-sized shallots, minced
1 medium-sized onion, halved and sliced
1/2 tbs curry powder
eggs (depends on how many roti paratha you use)

1 stalk green onion, finely sliced
Salt and white pepper to taste

Directions :
1. Heat the oil and sauté garlic and shallots for a few seconds.
2. Add ground beef and stir fry over medium high heat until the meat changes color. 

3. Add onion, continue stir frying for another 2 minutes.
4. Then add curry powder, mix well and cook another 3 minutes. Set aside to cool.

Roll your Paratha bread till thin ( i don't roll my paratha that thin because i like fat paratha bread )

Meanwhile, heat a large frying pan with 2 tbs oil. Prepare the filling in a small bowl, add 1 egg, 3-4 tbs ground beef  add salt & pepper. Beat lightly.

1. when the pan is hot, put the thin circle pastry dough at the middle of the pan, and fill the center of the dough with the mixture filling. Spread it to side lightly, then fold in the sides and ends to completely enclose the filling envelope fashion. ( i fold my "Martabak " in a plate then fry them , cheat way but its work well hahaha )

Fry on the pan until golden brown on one side, turn and fry the other side. Cut into pieces and serve, if desired, with Vegetables pickles and sliced chilies.

I also make an " Acar "  or  Indonesian pickles to accompany my martabak....: great COMBO !! YUMMOOO

carrot, shallot, chilly & cucumber

Enjoy !!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Soto Mie

Masakan ini untuk ikutan " Masbar" event , PERDANA from Peko Peko Tummy :) , dengan Theme bulan JUNE ini " ANEKA MAKANAN BERKUAH (SOUPY DISH)"

Soto Mie

so here what you need :
resep ini di ambil dr bunda nya nadine blog

Ingridient / Bahan :


Daging, rebus, potong2 sesuai selera
Mie telur, rebus sampe mateng, tiriskan
Kentang, potong-potong, goreng
Spring roll isi bihun, wortel, rebung, goreng sampe kecoklatan
Daun jeruk
Lengkuas, memarkan
Jahe, memarkan
Daun bawang, potong 2 cm-an

Bumbu halus:
Bawang merah
Bawang putih
Cabe merah

Bawang goreng

Cara memasak:
Spring Roll :
1. Tumis bawang putih dan merah , masukan mihun dan wortel dan rebung, aduk hingga wortel matang , tambah kan garam gula dan merica secukupnya. siap di bikin jadi Spring roll, karena disini banyak yg uda jadi kulitnya :) tinggal lipet2 deh. 

Isi Spring roll
Soto Mie

1. Tumis bumbu halus bersama dengan, daun jeruk, sereh, lengkuas & jahe sampe harum, kemudian masukkan ke air rebusan daging. Tambahkan garam & gula secukupnya. Rebus sampai mendidih & daging empuk.
2. Cara menyajikan: taruh dimangkuk, kol, mie, kentang, tomat, irisan spring roll isi bihun kemudian tuangi kuahnya ... taburi bawang goreng & seledri, beri kecap manis & jeruk nipis secukupnya.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Rainy Saturday

Finally weekend is here :)

I made some crispy fried squid ...and some stir fry sweet peas for lunch with my girls

happy weekend peops...

Cumi Goreng Tepung

Friday, June 17, 2011

Wedang Jahe / Sekoteng

Wedang Jahe / Sekoteng is traditional drink originally from central of java, Sekoteng is usually sold by a street vendor during the night. it has a ginger taste and serve while still hot. It’s also has other ingredients such as mung bean, peanut, bread, kolangkaling or in english i think its call Palm fruit in sugar preserve and the pretty cassava core
so here are my version of sekoteng serve in winter , the ginger will warm your body


This is how they sell the "Sekoteng" the man will carry this all night and walk around the city 

This image courtesy to Bogor Daily Photo Blog

100 gram of 'Biji Delima' (cassave core),
200 gram of peanut, boiled then remove it's soft skin
100 gram mung bean
1000 cc water
100 gram raw sugar
50 grams ginger
5 piece of bread, diced into 1 cm cubes
tea spoon of condensed milk

Boiled the cassave core, cooked until done, dunked in cold water,drained
mixed water, sugar and ginger, boiled.
serve into a bowl,put 2 spoonfull cassava core, 2 spoonfull mung beans, and chop bread, pour mixed water, and ginger. ready to serve.
add a little condensed milk on top 
I personally love condensed milk so I will use it a lil more on normal serve ;p  - now you have "sekoteng"


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Grilled Oxtail Soup

There is something about winter that makes me on fire to cook !!!
I am having a time of my life where I enjoy cooking so much ..mostly I went outside on weekends for lunch and dinner with friends, trying new restaurant or bar or cafe or whatever has nice weekdays I cook !!...I will stay up late then eat late then gain weight ....*saddddddd..

anyway here are some picture from my version of grilled oxtail soup or sop buntut bakar / pangang..
its took me 3 hours its a very easy meal but took forever when u have no slowcooker!!! but it worth to wait :)

Perfect for a cold winter night...humm yum
maybe a good idea to cook on weekend

from 6.30 -10.47pm

 so here re what you need.. I tend to use my feeling when cooking meal so bare with me ha ha
with basic recipes is from here



1 kg oxtail
lots garlic ( 3-4 )
brown onion ( half )
1 x potato
1x carrot
1x cinnamon stick
6-10 x clove

put everything on a large pot, lots of water , wait till the oxtail is cook and soft, once the your oxtail cook and soft your soup should be very tick , remove carrot and potato, take your oxtail out ( ready to be grilled or oven ) now cook your new diced potato and carrot , add spring onion once your potato cook. soup DONE!


3 x garlic ( finely chop )
lots of sweet soy sauce
2 tsp oyster sauce
1 x block of butter / margarine
add lots of black papper

mix all ingredient well , now ready to grill / oven ...
grilled your oxtail with sauce till its crispy (15 min )  or oven (45 min) together with lots of butter .

served with hot rice  :)


Sweet Chilli Steak Thai Salad

I know...its winter here down under...., this salad is best for summer so if you are on the other side of world full of sun....this is the PERFECT dish for you...its sooo fresh...yummyyy

This recipe originally from a colleague ,her housemate made a great Thai salad,
so i tried my own version, its easy and really quick, so here what you need:

- mix salad leaf
- green apple
- coriander
- carrot
- beansprout
- cucumber
- sweet chilli sauce
- fish sauce
- brown sugar
- black paper
- diced Beef
- olive oil
- and lime

mix all your salad with carrot , cucumber, beansprout and apple (love lots of apple), in another bowl mix your dressing, depends on how many serve of salad you like, if a normal bowl, 2-3 tbl spoon brown sugar, add 2 tbl spoon fish sauce , lots of lime, pepper, coriander, Mix it well.
now grill your beef - i like it can have your beef stir fry or grilled - whatever you prefer
once the beef cook...mix it well with your dressing...
and then mix again with all the salad leaf... walllaa.......ready to eat :)

- Beef -

enjoy !!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sweet Potato ball with cheese

Bola Bola Ubi isi keju - Sweet potato ball with cheese

Bola Bola Ubi - cinnamon sugar on top
 Resep ini di ambil dari sini

- 150 gram ubi jalar kuning
- 150 gram tepung terigu serba guna
- 75 gram tepung tapioka
- 2 sendok teh baking powder
- 1/4 sendok teh vanili bubuk
- 1/2 sendok teh garam
- 150 gram gula halus
- 75 ml susu cair
- 100 gram keju yang mudah meleleh, potong kubus ukuran 1 x 1 cm (saya menggunakan merk Kraft yang mudah meleleh/quick cooking melt)
- 25 gram gula halus untuk taburan
- Minyak untuk menggoreng

Cara membuat:
Kupas ubi jalar, potong-potong membentuk kubus kecil. Kukus hingga empuk, kemudian haluskan. Saya meletakkan ubi kukus di mangkuk besar kemudian saya haluskan dengan menggunakan ulekan batu yang dibungkus plastic wrap. Haluskan hingga benar-benar halus.
Ayak tepung terigu, vanili bubuk, baking powder, garam dan tepung tapioka. Masukkan tepung ke dalam mangkuk berisi ubi halus, tambahkan gula halus kemudian aduk menggunakan spatula kayu hingga tercampur. 
Masukkan susu cair sedikit demi sedikit hingga terbentuk adonan yang bisa dipulung. Jika adonan masih keras, tambahkan susu cair seperlunya saja. Jika adonan telah terbentuk dan susu masih bersisa biarkan saja, adonan yang terlalu lembek akan menyulitkan anda untuk membentuknya. Adonan tidak diuleni ya, jadi jika anda menggunakan jari-jari tangan untuk mencampur adonan sebaiknya lipat-lipat saja adonan dari kiri ke kanan dan dari atas ke bawah hingga bahan tercampur baik. 
Bagi adonan masing-masing seberat + 25 - 30 gram, tipiskan adonan di telapak tangan anda masukkan 1 buah potongan keju di tengah adonan yang ditipiskan. Bentuk menjadi bulat, gelindingkan menggunakan telapak tangan anda hingga membentuk bola yang smooth. 
Siapkan penggorengan, isi minyak agak banyak. Panaskan dengan api kecil dan goreng bola-bola ubi hingga permukaannya kecoklatan dan matang. Aduk bola-bola ubi selama digoreng agar merata warna dan matangnya. Angkat ubi dan tiriskan. 

Cheese !


1st Blog !!!

I'm not a great writer ...its just hard to write, i think someone should invent those app where you can just talk then it will auto text what you just said  .. so bare with me and pardon me...if some of the words doesnt make sense...
ill share my food obsession here
