Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My kind of Fettucini

tonight dinnerrrr issssss.....

FETTUCINI with LOTSSSS which mean : with cheery tomato, onion, pepperoni, chix, mushroom anddd parmesan cheeseeeeee  nom nom nom..


what you need to create these :

any filling you want : bacon , mushroom, spinach, cherry tomato, chicken, meatball , basically anything. but what i used here are : pepperoni, mushroom, cherry tomato, and chicken.

to make your tomato sauce: tomato sauce, fresh chunk tomato, chillies, cook with garlic, ginger salt pepper sugar, continually add water until its tick.

start your pan with olive oil, then chop garlic and brown onion, add chicken, peperoni or bacon, cook till they nicely cook, add your tomato paste, then pasta, mix well, add salt pepper and theme and fresh parsley.

thennnn you done :)

till thenn....have a great night

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