Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sate Festive

Annual Gathering with friends :)
we been busy with our own life...doing our own thing...and today finally everyone spare their time
to get together and just enjoy food and catching up

Complete set : Nasi uduk, tahu isi, sate ayam sate daging, acar , here what you need
to make Sate ayam/ chicken satay.

Sate Ayam / Chicken Satay

Marinade Sauce:

4 cloves of garlic, pasted
1 tsp of salt
1/2 tsp of nutmeg
3 tbsps of Indonesian peanut sauce ( sate sauce )

mix everything and leave for a night

Peanut Sauce:

2 cloves of shallots
3 pieces of chillis
3 pieces of candlenuts
150 gr of fried peanuts
100 ml of coconut milk
100 ml of water
25 ml of oil
3 tbsps of Indonesian sweet soy sauce
Salt and pepper to taste

Fried shallots, chillis,chandlenuts, and penut until golden brown and chruncy
Blend everything until it soft enough and become a paste, cook your peanut paste with coconut milk and water, seasons with salt and sweet soy sauce.

I Promise I will write the rest of the meal recipe

Ikan Bakar Saos Woku / Grilled Fish with Woku Sauce

Chicken & Beef
I love food ...nom nom nom....

POKKA BOY begging DADDY for SATE too... 

Happy Sunday...all....!!


  1. LOVE THE FOOD!!!! CHEF MASTER FENNY! wohoooo! This is FESTIVE..great food, great company makes a GREAT sunday! Thanks chef master fenny for the yummi2 food! muach

  2. the beef is the winner ...wohoooo
