Monday, May 14, 2012

Potato Doughnut

Donat Kentang

gone in a blink.....
sprinkle with cinnamon powder
here what you need.....recipe taken from NCC indonesia

Bahan:500 gr   tepung terigu protein tinggi
50 gr     susu bubuk
11 gr     ragi instant
200 gr   kentang, kukus, haluskan dan dinginkan
100 gr   gula psir
75 gr     mentega
½ sdt    garam
4 btr      kuning telur
100 ml   air dingin
Cara membuatnya:
  1. Dalam wadah, campur tepung terigu, gula, susu bubuk, ragi instant, aduk rata, masukkan kentang halus ,tuang telur dan air dingin, uleni hingga rata dan setengah kalis.
  2. Beri mentega dan garam, uleni terus hingga kalis elastis. Istirahatkan 15 menit.
  3. Bagi adonan, masing-masing 50 gr, bulatkan. Diamkan 20 menit, hingga mengembang.
  4. Lubangi tengahnya, menjadi bentuk donat, segera goreng sampai kuning kecoklatan.
  5. Angkat, tiriskan. Taburi gula donat, atau hias dengan coklat.
try them when you have nothing to do...
lovely lovely doughnut

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Owl Cupcake

Hi....finally a new post :) find the time and mood to write edit and publish this...
here an owl cupcake that I made for my new born nephew baby Philbert , he finally in the houseeeee...*yay
was giving this all cupcake to all friends and family who come and visit him :)
happy 1 month baby Phill kuku love you....

it was a real test to make all 80 in total..=.=" but I DIDDD ITTTT WOOHO


Philbert Emmanuel Liu  - a cute baby announcement card with letter theme design by me too :P

I made a choc cupcake and choc icing - oreo for the eyes and ear and M&M for eyes and nose :)

really cute cupcake...
till next post..have a great sunday
