Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fermented cassava Cake

Kue Tape Keju or Cassava Cake. for those who doesn't know what cassava is or we called  "tape" in Indonesia...

Cassava or "Tape" is 

A hardy plant grown in many tropical countries.It’s eaten in a variety of ways ranging from flour to vegetable dishes. Tapioca pearls, which come from cassava, are used in desserts.

recipe from here 

so here what you need:

300 g Tape - cassava
75 ml susu kental manis --50 ml - condensed milk
5 telur ayam  - egg
200 gr gula pasir halus --180 gr - sugar
1/8 sdt vanili bubuk --1/4 sdt - vanilla
150 gr mentega, lelehkan --100 gr butter+50 gr margarine - butter / margarine
100 gr keju cheddar parut - cheddar cheese
175 gr tepung terigu - plain flour
1/2 sdt baking powder --1 sdt - baking powder

orange is what I used

1. Siapkan loyang bundar 20 cm berlubang tengah. Semir mentega, taburi sedikit terigu.
2. Haluskan peuyeum dengan garpu, campurkan dengan susu kental manis. Aduk rata, sisihkan.
3. Kocok telur dan gula hingga gula larut dan kental. (pake mixer berkecepatan tinggi ya)
4. Tambahkan vanili, kocok rata. Masukkan campuran peuyeum halus sedikit2 sambil kocok hingga rata.
5. Tuang mentega leleh, aduk rata.
6. Tambahkan campuran tepung terigu dan 50 gram keju cheddar, aduk rata.
7. Tuang ke dalam loyang dan panggang dalam oven panas bersuhu 160 C (sy pake 180 C) selama 45 menit hingga matang. (u/ cupcake wkt-nya lebih pendek)
8. Angkat, dinginkan. Potong2 dan sajikan.

Generously butter a tube pan and dust with a little flour.
Puree the fermented cassava with a fork, mix the sweetened condensed milk. 
Mix well and set aside.

Beat eggs and sugar until sugar is dissolved and condensed. 
 Add vanilla, beat well. (*set the mixer in high-speed).
Gradually add the fermented cassava mix while beating until blended,
Pour the melted butter and stir well.

Add mixture of flour and add-ins cheddar cheese, stir well.

Pour into baking pan, sprinkle with another 50 grams of cheddar cheese, 
bake in hot oven 180 C for 45 minutes until cooked.

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